If anyone is interested there is a free talk about Ethiopia and the Nile at UCLA through the African Studies Department...
Monday, April 7, 2014
4:30 pm
10383 Bunche Hall, UCLA
Monday, April 7, 2014
4:30 pm
10383 Bunche Hall, UCLA
Free and open to the public
Professor Yilma Seleshi and Professor Dereje Hailu discuss the role of the Nile river in Ethiopia's development with specific reference to the Grand Renaissance Dam.
Nile Hydrology and Ethiopian Dam: Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – Yilma Seleshi
Ethiopia’s contribution to the Nile River is about 85% of average 84 Billion m3/ year flow at the High Aswan Dam. 70% of Ethiopian water resources are in the Nile river basin. Ideal water storage gorges are located in Ethiopia which can generate clean energy and lead to significant flood regulation and water saving due to reduced evaporation for all riparian countries. Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) with gross storage capacity of 74 BCM (and year to year varying live storage of 25 BCM) generates clean energy of 15,860 GWh/year (which is equivalent to six medium size nuclear plant generation capacity) benefiting to all riparian countries. This paper presents key highlights of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Hydropower Dam and impacts of GERD to Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt and for the regions as a whole in the light of Climate Change scenarios based on various river basin simulations studies conducted in the Nile basin.
Ethiopia’s contribution to the Nile River is about 85% of average 84 Billion m3/ year flow at the High Aswan Dam. 70% of Ethiopian water resources are in the Nile river basin. Ideal water storage gorges are located in Ethiopia which can generate clean energy and lead to significant flood regulation and water saving due to reduced evaporation for all riparian countries. Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) with gross storage capacity of 74 BCM (and year to year varying live storage of 25 BCM) generates clean energy of 15,860 GWh/year (which is equivalent to six medium size nuclear plant generation capacity) benefiting to all riparian countries. This paper presents key highlights of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Hydropower Dam and impacts of GERD to Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt and for the regions as a whole in the light of Climate Change scenarios based on various river basin simulations studies conducted in the Nile basin.
Water Resources Potential and Energy Sector Development in Ethiopia – Dereje Hailu
Ethiopia has several major rivers and lakes, and groundwater resources. The total renewable surface water resources are estimated at 122 billion cubic meters per year from 12 major river basins, and 22 lakes. Renewable groundwater resources are estimated to be about 3 billion cubic meters. However, the level of exploitation of the water resources is very low. As a result, most development problems in the country are water-related. The development and management of Ethiopia’s water resources faces two significant challenges, a natural legacy and an historical legacy. Although Ethiopia possesses a huge hydropower potential, the energy problem in the country is enormous. The first part of the paper presents surface water potential of the major river basins of the country, spatial and temporal availability of water, current major water resources development activities and challenges in the water sector. In the second part, renewable energy potential of the country and challenges and research needs on energy problems of the country will be presented.
Ethiopia has several major rivers and lakes, and groundwater resources. The total renewable surface water resources are estimated at 122 billion cubic meters per year from 12 major river basins, and 22 lakes. Renewable groundwater resources are estimated to be about 3 billion cubic meters. However, the level of exploitation of the water resources is very low. As a result, most development problems in the country are water-related. The development and management of Ethiopia’s water resources faces two significant challenges, a natural legacy and an historical legacy. Although Ethiopia possesses a huge hydropower potential, the energy problem in the country is enormous. The first part of the paper presents surface water potential of the major river basins of the country, spatial and temporal availability of water, current major water resources development activities and challenges in the water sector. In the second part, renewable energy potential of the country and challenges and research needs on energy problems of the country will be presented.
Co-sponsored by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the UCLA School of Engineering
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